Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sqauttin' on Sunday

I wanted to try out the "cheesy" barbell we got from LT's mom's garage, so I looked up a workout with overhead squats for today.

WOD: Nancy

Five rounds for time.
  • Run 400m
  • 15 overhead squats (95/65)
Results: 18:24, 35lb OHS

My run might not have been 400m. It was more than 200m, at the least. I need to measure out a route of 400m from the bottom of my driveway.

The floor of my garage isn't quite flat, so I did the squats at the bottom of my driveway. Hope the neighbors were amused! I'm very glad that I live on a cul-de-sac. :)

Unfortunately I mentioned to my husband that today he could finish that workout he couldn't complete two weeks ago. He's still sick, and shouldn't be doing a grinder type of WOD like that. ::facepalm::

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