Short beach loop
Distance: 4.61 miles
Time: 53:17
Pace: 11:33/mile
I took 3 fairly long walk breaks. The sun was too hot -- I should've done this run about an hour earlier. Also, this was my first long-ish run in quite a while. Due to wildfires conditions have been really smokey here off and on for the last month. I've really lost a lot of what I built up, but hopefully I can get it back quickly with runs a few times a week.
Wednesday 7/6
Did a WOD I got from Angie.
kb swings (16kg)
AbMat situps (butterfly)
Results: 13:10
Would like to try this one with Russian swings and the 24kg kettlebell sometime.
Tuesday 7/5
thrusters (65#)
Results: 10:28
Not my fastest (9:10 @ Level I Cert), and not my slowest either, but only barely. The issue this time was just conditioning. My heartrate was off the charts, and that's what slowed me down the most -- catching my breath. I probably could've benefitted from someone getting in my face too. :)
Sunday 7/3
I ran for ~37 minutes and I don't the distance of my route. It felt good to be up early and outside.
Friday 7/1
Yoga, good times as always. I realized that doing the 11am class really makes a difference in how hot it feels in the room. I think it must be the sun coming in or hitting the building. I never start to feel like it's too hot to breathe in the 5pm or 6pm classes that I've taken.
Thursday 6/30
~30 minute run in the morning.
WOD @ 5:30 (only had 1 student in class, so we did the WOD together :))
4 rounds
800m run
50 air squats
50 hands-off pushups
Results: 30:09
Monday 6/27
Squat 12-12-12-12 @ 105
That really hurt.
AbMat situps
Went mental on the pullups, eeek.
Hit yoga that night as well.
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